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Saturday, December 21, 2013

Holiday Book Stage Two (3)

The Holiday Book feature is broken up into four (4) consecutive stages that unlock over a period of four (4) weeks.

Stage 1 Guide:Read
Stage 2 Guide:Read
Stage 3 Guide: Read
Stage 4 Guide: Read

Each Holiday Book Quest has six parts that have to be completed. As you finish parts of your quest, a green check mark will appear to indicate what parts of the quest have been completed. If you complete all six parts of the Holiday Book, Stage 3 Quest, you will win Power and Holiday Candy Cane Decorations for a building on your farm! Stage 3 Quest tasks require you to make Ribbons in the Crafting Workshop, collect Bows from Teddy Bears, and get Hooks by completing quests for Gus and/or collect Hooks from your News feed.

Surprise Decoration: Click on the “Post” button to post a request for a Surprise Decoration (one out of the six Decorations) to your Facebook wall; you will get a Surprise Decoration (one out of the six Decorations) when your Friends click on it, or when you click on a similar news feed post! Note: You can post a request using this button every four hours.

 The first step is to craft Red Holiday Ribbon, Yellow Holiday Ribbon, and Blue Holiday Ribbon. Click on the "Make" button to head into the Crafting Workshop to get started.

The next step in this quest is to collect Green Ribbons and Purple Ribbons from Teddy Bears. You can collect Green Ribbons as you craft Teddy Bears from the Teddy Bear Gift Exchange. You can collect Purple Ribbons as you earn the Teddy Bear Gift Exchange prizes. Note: If you do not wish to complete any of these tasks, you can skip this step for Farm Bucks. If you would like a tutorial on the Teddy Bear Gift Exchange, please view our official guide: Teddy Bear Gift Exchange. NOTE: To collect Green Candy Canes and Purple Ribbons, click on the "Collect" button to open the Teddy Bear Gift Exchange.

 As you craft Teddy Bears, you can find Green and Purple Ribbon dropped beside Your Teddy Bear Crafting Station.  You can also get Red Candy Canes and Green Candy Canes by collecting Friends’ and Neighbors’ requests from your News feed.

The final step in this quest is to collect Hooks by completing quests for Walter. Click on the "Go To Quest" button to start Walter's ‘TeddyBear Gift Exchange’ quests. Note: If you have completed Gus’s ‘Community Caring’ quests and Barbara's ‘Winter Guests.’  you will need to complete Walter's ‘TeddyBear Gift Exchange’ quests.  If you do not wish to complete any of these quests, you can skip this step for Farm Bucks.
Additional Information: 
  • You have 35 days to collect the Holiday Book prizes and decoration lights. If you do not collect them all, the prizes and Decoration Lights will disappear and you will be unable to claim them.
  • If you want to see how much time you have left to claim the Holiday Book prizes and the Decoration Lights, hover your cursor over the Chair.
  • If you do not wish to use the Rocking Chair, it can be sold (frame only) or stored in your Inventory after 1/7/14. Note: You will only receive Snowflakes when the Rocking Chair is built and the Holiday Book Quests are active (You will not receive Snowflakes if the Rocking Chair is not fully constructed or if the Holiday Book Quests are not active).
  • You are not required to complete the Holiday Book, Stage 2 Quests multiple times in order to earn the exclusive baby Watermelon Chicken
  • You are limited to one Rocking Chair per Farm.

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