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Monday, December 16, 2013

The Holiday Stocking Station

The holiday season is here and Marie needs your help finishing her holiday stockings! Help Marie find Special Fur to match her stockings by inspecting old Fur. Complete the Special Fur collection to earn the exclusive baby White Icelandic Horse!

If you are level 12 or higher, you will see the following pop-up. Click on the “Place” button to get started.
Building the Holiday Stocking Station:

Your first step is collecting construction parts. You will need the following items to start building your Holiday Stocking Station:
  • Wicker Stacks
  • Red Ribbons
  • Green Hooks
Click on the “Ask” button to send requests for Red Ribbons and Green Hooks to your Neighbors. If you do not wish to wait for your Friends, you can skip any of these tasks for Farm Bucks.
Note: You can post and send requests for materials to your Friends every 18 hours.


Once you have collected the required items, click on the “Start Building!” button at the bottom of the construction Menu. 
Now that the Holiday Stocking Station is almost complete, you will need some assistance from your Neighbors to finish the job. The Holiday Stocking Station requires four additional helpers, so click on the “Ask Friends” button to send some crew requests to your Friends. When they accept, you will see the spots in the Build Menu begin to fill. If you do not wish to wait for your Friends, click on the “Hire One” button to purchase crew members with Farm Bucks. Once you have successfully filled all four spots, click on the “Finish & Share” button.

Using the Holiday Stocking Station: 
You must have at least four Adult Buffalo, Deer, and/or Reindeer on your farm that are not Prized for the Station to be functional. When you feed your Adult Buffalo, Deer, and/or Reindeer, they will drop Fur, which can be found in the “Ingredients” section of your Inventory.
 Tip: Limited Edition Buffalo, Deer, and/or Reindeer produce more Fur when fed!

To see your Fur count, click on the Holiday Stocking Station to open the main menu. Your Fur total is located on the left-hand side of this screen. The number at the bottom of the Fur indicates how many you currently have in your Inventory.
Once you have collected at least five Furs, you will be able to inspect them by clicking on the blue “Inspect” button from the Holiday Stocking Station menu.

Special Fur: 
To earn the baby White Icelandic Horse, you will need to collect types of Special Fur. To get these types of Special Fur, all you need to do is keep inspecting Fur!

There are three types of Special Fur you can receive:
  1. Cream Fur Trim
  2. Silver Fur Trim
  3. Gold Fur Trim
Note: The Special Fur requirements may vary depending on your current level and how often you play 

These Fur are not used for Crafting like the "Heavy Fur Throw." Instead, they are automatically added to your Fur Collection. To earn the baby White Icelandic Horse, you will need to have Cream Fur Trim, Silver Fur Trim, and Gold Fur Trim Fur in your collection. A green check mark will indicate which Fur Trim collections you have completed. Once you have collected all three of the Fur Trim collections, you can trade them in for the baby White Icelandic Horse! The more Adult Buffalo, Deer, and/or Reindeer you have on your Farm, the better your chances are of receiving Special Fur.
Candy Canes:
As you inspect your Fur, you have a chance of finding a Candy Cane Decoration for the Holiday Book, Stage 2! Once you have found a Candy Cane, click on the “Share Candy Cane” to share some of the rewards with Friends.To learn more about the Holiday Book, Stage 2, please click Here.
If you do not want to wait to collect the Special Fur, you can use Farm Bucks to skip these steps and get the new baby White Icelandic Horse right away! Your new baby White Icelandic Horse will need Baby Bottles to reach adulthood, just like your other animals. Once it has matured, it will produce Horseshoes.
Additional Information:
  • You have 35 days to earn the baby White Icelandic Horse. The timer at the bottom of your Holiday Stocking Station Menu indicates how long you have to collect the baby horse. If you do not collect it, the prize will disappear and you will be unable to claim it.
  • Minimum of four Adult Buffalo, Deer, and/or Reindeer on any given farm is required to use the Holiday Stocking Station.
  • If you do not wish to use the Holiday Stocking Station feature, it can be sold (frame only) or stored in your Inventory.
  • You can collect the baby White Icelandic Horse as many times as you wish (before the feature expires).
  • If you want to see how much time you have left to claim the baby White Icelandic Horse, hover your cursor over the Station.
  • Limited to one Holiday Stocking Station per farm.
  • If you lack any requirements (such as not having enough Buffalo, Deer, and/or Reindeer), the game will tell you what you are missing

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