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Monday, February 10, 2014

County Fair Legend

County Fair Legend

     Hey Farmers! The Ultimate County Fair title is coming soon! Many of you have received the Pop-Up asking you to prepare for the Farmville 2 County Fair Legend. Do not worry Farmville 2 County Fair is NOT ending it's just upgrading a bit.
      There were all sort of reactions amongst the players regarding this.  Farmville 2 County Fair will be another medal - or shall we say a Crown and there will not be anymore levels once the crown is achieved, However, once you receive the crown you WILL need to keep play to keep it or you will drop back down to platinum! 
      There will be, in addition to the wonderful crown, special rewards given once you have reached the County Fair Legend status each week so we suggest you keep playing Farmville 2 County Fair and Go for he gold - the gold crown that is! 
 NOTE: More Detailed Information Will Be Updated So Please Remember To Check Back With Us!

Please Feel Free To Comment and let us know what You think! :)
Happy Farming!





  1. Do you continue to drop a level once you get to legendary status if you can't get enough points?

  2. Yes, you will drop down to platinum level. So if you go on vacation, all that work will be undone and you drop a step again and again for every week you are gone. :(
