Farmville 2 4 Farmers

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Monday, December 23, 2013

FarmVille 2 Ice Sculpture

Farmville 2  Ice Sculpt Feature

A new feature is coming! So soon after the Teddy Bear Exchange build we are now needing to build a Table Ice Sculpture.  Farmers, it is time to double up on Your  winter gloves! Brrrrrrr. Here is what You have to do to build Your Ice Sculpture Table:

Build Your table by Clicking on the build and ask your  friends for help. The Items we need are:

  •  Ice Chisel (10) - Post
  • Ice Saw (10) - Ask
  • Pairs of Ice Tongs (10) - Ask

Note: Posts and Asks Can Be Sent Out Every 18 Hours.

Once you have completed your build you can now ask friends for Ice Trays to make ice cubes.
Small Ice Tray (12) - Holds 4 Cubes
Large Ice Tray (12) -Holds 9 Cubes

Another great way to collect ice cubes is by harvesting our trees and groves as well as our aquatic plots


The Rewards offered are:
  • Crystal Path
  • Swan Ice Sculpture
  • Goodie Bag
  • Horse Ice Sculpture
Once You have collected all 4 Gifts You get the finale and wonderful gift... Drum Roll Please...
A Blue Grey Cow!
Once the Mission is over the Ice Sculpture Table will magically turn into Ear of Corn in ice used to decorate your farm.

Thank You For reading please comment like and share this!
Farmville 2 4 Farmers

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