Farmville 2 4 Farmers

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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Farmville 2 Speed Boost

Speed Boosts!

Farm faster with Speed Boosts! Choose from three different options, 24-Hours, 3-Days, and 7-Days, which all help your Avatar farm 3X faster while the Boost is active! 
If you are level 7 or higher, you will receive a pop-up as soon as your Farmville 2 Farm loads offering you a free Speed Boost. Click on the "Try Speed Boost" Button to het Your one time offer of a free speed boost and watch your farmer go Go GO! 

You can purchase a 1 Day, 3 Days, or 7 Days option and while active, your avatar will move at 3X the normal speed. All three Boosts are available in the General Store for Farm Bucks. (( Remember: Your first Speed Boost is free.))

Using the Speed Boosts: 
After a Speed Boost has been purchased, a small running farmer icon above your Neighbor Bar will indicate the Bonus is active. Hover over this icon if you would like to see how much time you have remaining until it expires. Note: You are unable to cancel a speed boost once it has been activated.

Please Feel Free to Let Us Know What You Think About The Latest Release :)

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