Farmville 2 4 Farmers

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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Farmville 2 Perfect Wedding Week 4

Perfect Wedding Week 4
Organize a wonderful wedding reception for the lucky couple!

Perfect Wedding Week 1: VIEW
Perfect Wedding Week 2: VIEW
Perfect Wedding Week 3: VIEW
Perfect Wedding Week 4: VIEW

Week 4
Perfect Wedding 13/16: Best Man Boogie
Help Cornelius put on a special performance for the lucky couple!
  • Get 5 Wedding Parasols for Cornelius's back up dancers!
  • Craft 2 Rope Winches and make sure Cornelius can jump extra high when dancing!
  • Craft 2 Plain Trellises, these will make wonderful background props!

 Reward: 5 Power

Perfect Wedding 14/16: One Ring to Woo Them All
Barbara and Walter are in town picking out the perfect wedding rings! Help them with these chores while they're gone!
  • Complete Wedding Kitchen *Will be updated*(Build this and win awesome rewards!)
  • Craft 3 Bread *Will be updated*
  • Harvest 20 Rice!

Reward: 5 Water

Perfect Wedding 15/16: Proficient Officiant
Turns out you're going to be officiating the wedding too! Complete these tasks and get yourself ready!
  • Craft 3 Wedding Table Centerpieces.
  • Raises 3 Baby Rabbits to adult, these sweet bunnies are going to be the ring bearers!
  • Harvest 4 Pine Trees and build yourself a pedestal!

Reward: 5 Fertilizer

Perfect Wedding 16/16: Wedding Speech Writing
Complete these tasks and inspire yourself to write a great wedding speech!
  • Complete Wedding Kitchen *Will be updated*(Build this and win awesome rewards!)
  • Craft 2 Bries.
  • Harvest 30 Wheat.
Reward: 5 Feed

Bonus Quest 4:
This quest was no sweat for a master farmer like yourself!
  • Craft 20 Wedding Table Centerpieces.
  • Raise 6 Baby Rabbits to adult.
  • Harvest 100 Wheat.

 Reward: Salt 10 Pack

Please Feel Free To Comment and let us know what You think! :)
Happy Farming!

1 comment:

  1. The wedding ceremony was serviced in the dining room, so they set up chairs for the guests. Once the wedding reception ended, they quickly moved the chairs out and set up tables and chairs for formal dining.
