Farmville 2 4 Farmers

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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Farmville 2 Mayoral Election Button Crates

Mayoral Election Button Build Guide

Hey Farmers! Marie will be coming to your farm needing your help! The Fertilizer plane has accidentally dumped election buttons all over town. Help Marie build the Mayoral Election Button Crate to collect all of the buttons that has fallen into your crops!  NOTE: This is a pre release information and subject to change so check back with us for further updates.

  • You will be able to receive Mayoral Election Buttons by harvesting crops or making them in the Mayoral Election Button Crate.
  • Place your Mayoral Election Button Crate construction onto your farm and Click on it to begin building.
  •  A pop-up "Click to Build" will appear so that you can get started on collecting items that you will need to build it.
  • Election Posters (10) - Post to news feed.
  • Duffel Bags (10) - Ask friends.
  • Travel Stickers (10) - Ask Friends

  • After You have "Start Building" A pop-up Will appear so that You can now " Hire Builders" by asking your Friends to help finish the Mayoral Election Button Crate.
  •  When you have gathered enough help you have now completed your Mayoral Election Button Crate and it will show You that you have an allotted time for this feature.   

  • Clicking on the completed Mayoral Election Button Crate you can view your progress in this feature. You also can collect Mayoral Election Buttons by finding them in crops that you have harvested, clicking on the "Give to Get" of your friends posts and crafting them.

  • Firework Crate
  • Giant Election Pinwheel
  • Bundle of Water, Power, Fuel and Fertilizer
  • Pacific Albus Popular Tree
Firework Crate
Giant Election Pinwheel
Bundle of Water, Power, Fuel and Fertilizer
Pacific Albus Popular Tree

Bonus Prize
  • Berkshire Pig
Berkshire Pig

Please Feel Free To Comment and let us know what You think! :)
Happy Farming!

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